The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) provides creators with more tools and monetization features. It also permits revenue sharing from advertisements served on your content. This article discusses the YT monetization benefits, qualifications, and registration details.
What will you need to participate?
Adhere to the YouTube channel’s monetization policies.
These rules and policies permit you to commercialize on YouTube, and you must follow them if you accept a partnership agreement with YouTube.
- You must be a resident of a nation or territory where the YouTube Partner Program is active.
- On your channel, there are no strong Community Guidelines strikes.
- Check that 2-Step Verification is enabled for your Google Account.
- Have one active AdSense account that you’ll link to your channel, or be prepared to set one up in YouTube Studio if you don’t have one already (make a new AdSense account in YouTube Studio if you do not yet have one).
- How to Apply for Eligibility As of October 2022, qualified Shorts views for creators who are not in YPP will count toward YPP eligibility!
Once you’ve figured out what to do, your channel can be suitable for YPP with either short-form or long-form videos. If you want us to alert you when you’re eligible, go to the Earn section of YouTube Studio and choose to notify me when I’m eligible. You will receive an email if you meet either of the eligibility criteria listed below.
- Acquire 1,000 subscribers with 4,000 direct watch sessions in the last 12 months.
- Acquire 1,000 members with 10 million good Shorts views in the previous 90 days.

YouTube Monetisation Requirements
More info on eligibility requirements
These levels assist us in more accurately determining if your channel complies with our policies and standards. Following your application, Youtube will review its standards and guidelines on YouTube to determine whether your channel complies. YouTube will approve your channel into YPP if it complies with our principles and standards. Remember that YouTube continually reviews the channels in YPP to help ensure they adhere to their policies and standards.
Places to apply
Once you have everything you want and your channel qualifies, register with YPP using a desktop pc or a mobile device as follows:
- Register with YouTube
- Click your profile photo at the top right and then Google Studio
- Click Earn in the left menu.
- Review and accept the Base terms before clicking Start.
- To create an AdSense account or link an already active one, click Start.
- When finished, the Get Revie YouTube stage will display In Progress, indicating that your application has been received.
Android/ iPhone/IPad
- Launch YouTube Studio.
- Tap Earn in the bottom menu.
- Review and accept the Base terms before clicking Start.
- To create an AdSense account or link an already active one, click Start.
Notably, the YouTube Studio app only currently offers the application procedure. More features, including ad management and other monetization tools, are being worked on and added soon. To use all the features, go to YouTube Studio, which uses a YouTube browser on a mobile, tablet, or PC.
When finished, the Get Revie YouTube stage will display In Progress, indicating that your application has been received.
YouTube’s vetting process for applications
Your channel will be automatically added to a review queue as soon as you agree to the YPP conditions and attach an active AdSense account. To ensure that your channel complies with our standards and guidelines, our systems and personal review YouTubers will examine it. To view the Progress of your application, go back at any moment in YouTube Studio’s Earn section.
If your application wasn’t accepted, don’t panic; keep submitting unique content, and you can try again in 30 days. Consider reviewing our standards and guidelines against the overall content of your channel and making any necessary changes before reapplying, as our review YouTubers are likely to have discovered that a sizable section of your channel now needs to be revised.
Select a method for earning money.
Once in YPP, launch YouTube Studio and start using the Watch Page Ads, Shorts Feed Ads, Memberships, Supers, and other features. You must read and agree to the application module conditions to enable the monetization features. Here, you may read more about the modules and your options.
You may modify your ad preferences, enable commercialization for your uploads, and more after deciding how to monetize. Here is a list of frequently asked questions from new YPP creators.
Please go through our blog post to better understand your profits as a YouTube partner, discover everything there is to know about AdSense (the Google program that pays producers in YPP) and solve typical payment problems. Keep working to continue earning money.
It’s crucial to keep a vibrant, healthy ecology of channels as the YouTube Partner Program expands. YouTube may disable income on channels that have yet to post a video or message the community in at least six months to concentrate our support on engaged and active creators.