Both professionals and amateurs use YouTube as their preferred video hosting service. If you know your way around it, it’s also an excellent method of earning money. You’re in the right place if you’ve ever wondered how to use YouTube to make money for your purposes. Users of YouTube can make money via social media networks. They only need to keep people amused. However, You would require more than mere entertainment. YouTube creators earn money in the background by adding value to the platform. Even more quickly than before, YouTube is expanding right now. You reached four hundred twenty-five million users in India a few months ago. India is a nation whose population of internet users is expanding. Internet usage is high since there are many people online and there are inexpensive internet costs. In our nation, there is a decently high likelihood that a YouTube channel will expand.
YouTube pays between Rs. 6 and Rs. 80 for every thousand views in India. Imagine having a variety of channels and videos as your material, which is a fair quantity to start with. Even though you might be making a fortune, good things take time.
What is YouTube monetization?
Your ability to make money from your YouTube videos on YouTube is referred to as monetization. You must have at least 1,000 subscribers to your YouTube channel and 4,000 watch hours over the last 12 months to be eligible for YouTube’s monetization scheme. With advertising revenue, channel memberships, super chats and stickers, channel memberships, merch shelves, and YouTube Premium Revenue, YouTube helps creators monetize their channels. If you’re eligible for the YouTube Shorts Fund, you can also be eligible for bonuses for short films.
A $100 million fund called the “YouTube Shorts Fund” was set up to honor filmmakers for their commitment to producing imaginative, unique Shorts that the YouTube community enjoys. The fund is only open to authors from a few countries, but we anticipate it will eventually include more nations.

YT Monetization Rates
What is its rate in India?
YouTube makes money from advertising, depending on where you obtain your video views. Let’s imagine, for example, that the bulk of video views originate from India; in this case, the revenue from your video could range from $1.5 to $3 per thousand views. However, if most of your viewers are Americans, your video can earn between $2 and $4 for every thousand views. Some of the highest-paid YouTubers earn close to $20 million yearly. This topic is challenging because YouTubers can gain money from sources other than the YouTube Partners Program. Your compensation per 1000 views varies depending on how much YouTube makes from your channel. In exchange for views and clicks, YouTube charges for its advertisements. These charges change according to the sector.
Under the YouTube Originals brand, Indian YouTubers are producing their original web series. But as was already mentioned, these are merely projections of how much money channels might earn through the YouTube Partner Program. Even with Instagram loops debut, YouTube is still India’s most popular platform; its popularity has barely been affected. With recent announcements like the $100 million YouTube Shorts Fund, the platform is enticing all TikTok creators who lost their audience after the app was outlawed in the nation.
The amount of money one makes from their content. It depends on how long the viewership time was for the content. The viewers’ geographic location is just one of several aspects, including SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).
How can you monetize?
- Open a Google AdSense account: Let’s get this one out of the way first because it will be a big starting prerequisite. YouTube is one of the many channels that Google’s internal ad network, AdSense, is utilized for advertising and selling advertising space through. Join those accounts with your YouTube channel.
- Learn the YouTube Partner Program requirements: The next step is enrolling in the YPP, or YouTube Partner Program. Access to membership grants uses resources like the store’s merchandise shelf and channel memberships.
- Allow YouTube to be monetized: After accepting your application, enter your YouTube Studio, choose “Enable Monetization,” and follow the on-screen directions.
- Observe Copyright Laws and Obtain a License for Your Background Music: Copyrights are an important topic. When adding quality music to your videos, think about using licensed ones.
- Affiliates: Have you ever watched a video where the host gives you a link to a website so that you may check it out and think about making a purchase? A partner program that is. Each successful sale results in a commission for you.
- Paying Sponsorships: This strategy is obtaining sponsorship for your content from a business or brand in exchange for using, showcasing, or discussing their goods or services in your videos.
- BrandConnect on YouTube: This tool links marketers with YouTube producers for content marketing campaigns and is currently accessible in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
As previously stated, copyright infringement is a serious infraction on YouTube. You should only submit videos you have made or have been given permission to use. Additionally, audio and music tracks, user-made videos, and other protected works are all included in the definition of copyright.
It will achieve saturation in author income and discovery once the platform’s user base gets close to 500 million. However, if Google’s sales figures ($1 billion in India last year) are any indication, the platform appears unstoppable. As was already mentioned, this is a respectable sum to start with. It is the outcome of a lengthy procedure. The outcome is the revenue produced. The routine is the religion of successful YouTubers. The number of users on YouTube is in the billions. It does not provide a set payment for your content. The user interface is how it operates. The material is promoted more and more as more users enjoy it, and vice versa. The more people watch it, the more money it brings in. Your income and the money YouTube makes are directly correlated. Let’s use a straightforward example.