YouTube is a video streaming website that allows everyone to upload unlimited videos and watch as many videos as an individual wants for free. As YouTube has grown, all the features they’ve added to the website have also been free. YouTube provides its users with an interactive and connective platform along with a great lean-back experience. Some of the core features YouTube provides to its users are reading comments, clicking on annotations, looking at related videos, and seeing what other people say.
Creating videos and uploading them online on YouTube is the work of every YouTube creator. But getting views on your videos is necessary to get monetary benefits.
Usually, with this quest of getting more views, there are many questions that arise, like, can one person give multiple views on YouTube? YouTube views may sound fancy outside, but it is extremely difficult to figure out what actually counts as a YouTube view.
Can YouTube detect views from the same person?
Every single view is counted on YouTube if an individual plays any video for more than 30 seconds and the initiating of the video is done intentionally by a legit user. If we replay any YouTube video more times, the cookies of those particular videos are saved in our system, so if we play the video again, the system of YouTube detects it to be the same person who watched the video before. So the views are not counted as unique, and there is no increment in the views on a particular video. YouTube maintains the quality of its views count by decreasing the views if it suspects any spam. It is usually done when a single person watches the same video many times. YouTube automatically deletes the views it suspects to be given by the same system or user. YouTube makes sure that the sources providing views are real. In the case of watching a video multiple times, YouTube, at a certain point, stops counting the views. Thus it’s not easy to get views by asking your friends or family to watch your videos over and over again. A video shorter than 30 seconds is not monetized because the length of the video is the factor YouTube considers while monetizing any video.

Several YT Views From Single Person
ViewsApart from pre-recorded videos, YouTube also provides its creators and users with an option of a live video streaming feature. Also, the live views are counted the same as the regularly pre-recorded videos. Scamming YouTube isn’t easy as it seems to be because of its highly specialized algorithm. It can detect what exactly is a real view. As the views count keeps increasing, the YouTube authority makes sure that the views are real and the video’s popularity isn’t the work of non-legit views and bots. Though YouTube does not publicly disclose the details of how and when the views are counted. It is done, as said by YouTube, to deter spammers. YouTube’s algorithm verifies that a user requested a view and a user is an actual person. YouTube doesn’t count views that bounce almost immediately and helps to remove views by those who were misled by a thumbnail or title. So this makes it unlikely to give multiple views on the same YouTube video.