Do you wish to learn how to determine whether a YouTube video is being paid for? If so, you have arrived at the right location.
Knowing whether a specific one of your videos has brought in money is crucial. You run the risk of underestimating the revenue potential of a video or your channel if you need to learn how to do it. The SEO for your channel is in excellent shape. You are aware of YouTube’s metrics. It’s finally time for you to begin making money from the things you like to do. It can be concerning when YouTube’s monetization policy changes because it does so regularly. There is no need to be afraid; we comfort you. We are here to help you understand each step.
How can I apply to be a candidate for YouTube monetization?
Your channel must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of recent public viewing time. Another strategy YouTube uses to boost viewing time (instead of view count, which was previously the platform’s focus) is this legislation, which went into force at the beginning of 2018. The importance of watch time has increased for producers as YouTube tries to keep users on the platform as long as possible. Thankfully, we have a guide to help you start and grow your YouTube channel. Discussions on the r/YouTubers and r/YouTube subreddits indicate that the 1,000 subscriber/4,000 hours of viewing time benchmarks are rather attainable! Additionally, it will take a little time.

YT Monetization Check
When does “Public watch time” finish, and for how long?
It is the total number of hours you watch the publicly available videos on your channel. Videos deleted, removed from lists, or made private is not included in this total.
When videos were first commercialized, it was simple to tell. In sponsored videos but not in unmonetized ones, ads were present. Things are less evident because YouTube now incorporates advertisements in non-monetized content.
You can tell if a video has made money by turning on advertisements and looking for a monetization sign next to the video in the YouTube Studio. The logo will be green if the video is fully commercialized; yellow if it contains several adverts. Unmonetized videos will either have no symbol or an icon with a cross across it.
The majority of YouTube channels wait to monetize their video. It’s common practice to rapidly evaluate a film to determine its advertisement friendliness. Videos inappropriate for commercials will either be monetized or have fewer commercials.
Because monetization status can only be seen in the YouTube Studio, it is impossible to tell whether a video has been monetized. Advertisements, as already indicated, are not being monetized by YouTube.
How to check whether a YouTube video is “paid”?”
It only takes a few seconds to check if your YouTube video is monetized. With only a few mouse clicks, you can navigate to YouTube Studio, where you can see the monetization status of all your videos.
How can you tell if a YouTube video is making money?
- Check the YouTube Studio website
- View the content tab.
- Take a look at the monetization scenario.
Videos have fewer ads playing but can occasionally provide income. It often indicates the limited monetization status of a video. But what exactly does restricting monetization entail, and is there a fix?
The limited monetization status denotes a video that has had its monetization enabled but whose content YouTube’s AI has determined to be unsuitable for advertising. Videos in this state are still capable of making money, albeit much less profitably, than videos that have been fully monetized.
And this typically occurs when a video contains elements that violate YouTube’s advertiser-friendly policies. These have foul language, violent content, mature themes, etc.
“But my videos don’t include any sensitive material, you might be saying.” If this is the case, YouTube’s AI may need more knowledge of your channel. The AI will become more knowledgeable about your content over time and complete the evaluation process more quickly.
You now understand how to determine whether a YouTube video is monetized. The procedure is quick and easy. To determine whether your films are monetization-eligible and will generate income, you must know how to verify their status.