Nowadays, almost a billion hours of video content is being watched by people worldwide every day on YouTube, which makes the task of getting your videos recommended by the YouTube algorithm. Many people watch YouTube every day, so to get audience engagement on YouTube, the videos must get recommended to more and more people every day.
Working on the YouTube algorithm
The YouTube algorithm examines any video to recommend people based on two factors: the video must be appropriate to the users’ needs. When the video is recommended to the user, then there is the surety that the user will watch the video. There are various working of the algorithm of YouTube, such as selecting the videos displayed on the YouTube homepage for the user.
It also selects the videos that will suggest the user watch next, and it ranks the videos accordingly in the user’s search results. According to YouTube, the videos are displayed on the home screen of YouTube, and the videos which are suggested to the user are known from the sources which come from traffic.

Impact Of Social Sharing On YT Views
The effect of social sharing on YouTube views
Views not generated from the YouTube algorithm can still make a video successful in terms of the YouTube algorithm. For example, the views can also be generated from external sites, YouTube ads, partnerships with other brands and channels, and cross-partnerships on various social media platforms. With the right strategy, these generated views can also gain new subscribers and grow the channel.
The YouTube algorithm doesn’t, especially against having views and traffic from other sites on their videos. It is also a very important factor because the duration of views and click-through rates get very high when the videos receive a large amount of traffic from external sites and ads.
According to various sources of YouTube, the algorithm of YouTube mainly focuses on the performance of the video in context. So if a video is performing well on the homepage, then the video will be displayed more on the other user’s homepage, and it will not matter what the source of the views likes blog views. Social sharing increases the reach of your YouTube channel. And there are higher chances of attracting more traffic and viewers to your channel. Thus we can say that social sharing highly affects the number of views a video will get.
Importance of YouTube views
It is also important for any content creator to bond with their viewers to create more audience engagement in their videos. Being in connection with your viewers helps to get a lot of views. The YouTuber gets to know what people expect of them, what they want to watch, and what their likes and dislikes help them create videos that will be liked by the viewers and gain many views.
The content uploaded on YouTube is next to nothing if it doesn’t have views. A video with a small number of views can be easily marked as boring, non-relative, low-quality, and vice versa. Thus YouTube views are very important for any aspiring YouTuber. For YouTubers to gain massive popularity on the platform, they must have many videos.
Every popular content creator on YouTube has one thing in common: many viewers. The large number of views on their videos is why they are now. After people find that someone has many views on their videos and is getting popular daily, they are fascinated by their channel and surely pay their channel a visit, which is the beginning of them becoming permanent subscribers.